Ice Code of Conduct

General Code Of Conduct
  1. Please treat other skaters, coaches, judges, parents, employees of The Peak and visitors with respect at all times.  Expect the same in return.
  2. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
  3. During Club sessions, only registered Club Members and employees of The Peak are permitted on the ice, except in an emergency.
  4. Show consideration for coaches and other skaters involved in lessons during a session – see the section on “Music and Vests” below.
  5. Please do not interrupt someone else’s private lesspon unless there is an emergency. Please respect the coach’s and skaters’ time. Please contact your coach with any questions or concerns or to arrange a meeting to discuss skating development.
  6. No food or gum should be taken on the ice. Plastic or aluminum water bottles are acceptable but must be left at the boards. Glass bottles are not permitted.
  7. Spectators, including parents of skaters, are encouraged to watch quietly from the viewing areas and to refrain from conversing with or offering directions to the skaters on the ice.
  8. Profane, abusive, disruptive, inappropriate or disrespectful language, gestures or actions during on ice or off ice sessions will not be tolerated.
  9. Prolonged sitting on the ice after a fall is prohibited. Kicking or digging at the ice surface with skate blades is prohibited.
Music And Vests

Skaters normally want to perform their programmes to music.  To make this easier, we ask that skaters bring their music, burned onto a CD, and with only one track on the CD.

The music player is at the corner diagonally opposite the entrance door.  Where helpers can be found, it will normally be staffed during Club sessions – we would ask all parents to help out by taking a turn looking after the music.

Coaches’ music has priority over other music.  What this means is that if your music is “next to be played”, but then a coach comes along and asks for a track to be played, the coach’s music will be played before yours.  This ensures that skaters get the best out of their lessons times with their coaches.

Please wear an orange bib when you are skating to your music.  This ensures that other skaters can see that you are skating to your music, and they will stay out of your way.  The flip side of this is, of course, please stay out of the way of the skater in the orange bib!


Supporting Figure Skating In Central Scotland